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Friday 11/04/2022 Business meeting with Working Lunch 12:00 PM $15 X = $
Friday night Blinger No host Social 6:30 PM $0 X = $
Option: I would like to help pay for hospitality room refreshments $10 X = $
Saturday 11/05/2022 Observe Best Warrior Competition 8:00 AM $0 X = $
27th BCT Best Warrior Recognition and BBQ 1:00 PM $25 X = $
Reunion Dinner and Recognitions 6:00 PM $35 X = $
Option: I would like to pay for a junior solider to attend $35 X = $
Sunday 11/06/2022 Breakfast and farewells informal at diner 9:00 AM $0 X = $
Sub-Total for Activities, Meals & Registration $
Amount Enclosed With This Registration (Min.25%) - less amt Enclosed $
Balance Due at Registration Desk $
Friday 10/21/2022 Business meeting with Working Lunch 12:00 PM $15 X = $
Friday night Blinger No host Social 6:30 PM $0 X = $
Option: I would like to help pay for hospitality room refreshments $10 X = $
Saturday 10/22/2022 Observe Best Warrior Competition 8:00 AM $0 X = $
27th BCT Best Warrior Recognition and BBQ 1:00 PM $25 X = $
Reunion Dinner and Recognitions 6:00 PM $35 X = $
Option: I would like to pay for a junior solider to attend $35 X = $
Sunday 10/23/2022 Breakfast and farewells informal at diner 9:00 AM $0 X = $
Sub-Total for Activities, Meals & Registration $
Amount Enclosed With This Registration (Min.25%) - less amt Enclosed $
Balance Due at Registration Desk $
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